Adam Saaks bleach cut up t shirt cutting Adam Saaks bleached cut up t shirt cutting

12 responses to “

  1. I just stumbled on your blog…these are incredible! Will you be doing tutes to go along with these?

  2. LUV THESE T’s !!!!

  3. wow this design is really cool, is there a place where i can be shown how to do this?

  4. how do i do this ?!

  5. Love all your designs but this one in particular is my fave!

  6. If you were willing to sale some of these, especially this one. I would buy them at a reasonable price.

  7. OMG, you are very talented in the tee-shirt biz. Please start a website so we can get custom shirts made. I am not good with fabrics and couldn’t draw a straight line if you paid me. Love your work Heather!

  8. I would love to buy a shirt exactly like this!

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